Recreating one of the world’s most famous ballets, Giselle, into an Indigenous Australian context
Elevate Indigenous dance innovation by investing in Bukuminkum.
Thanks to Creative Australia’s Plus1 Program, every dollar raised between now and 30th May, will be matched!
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+ Creative Team
Artistic Director & Choreographer Gary Lang
NT Dance Company General Manager Erica McCallum
Producer BlakDance
Cultural Consultant Banula Marika
Co-Dramaturg & Rehearsal Director Noelle Shader AO
Co-Dramaturg Marilyn Miller
Video Artist Samuel James
Composer Samuel Pankhurst
NT Dance Company Artists at The Australian Ballet 2023 Claire Voss, Zachary Wilson, Ruby Platemotley with Peta Rixom (NAISDA Dance College Advanced Diploma student)
NT Dance Company Artists at Darwin Entertainment Centre 2024 Claire Voss, Mel McCabe, Floeur Alder, Alex Abbot, Zachary Wilson, Luther Wilson, Ruby Platemotley with Olivia Scott (Ev & Bow secondement student) and Elena Salerno & Chantelle van der Hoek (The Australian Ballet Education Program)
Photo Edita Knowler
Betrayed and forgotten by family and by colleagues, G-, wanders her homeland, seemingly lost and mad, trying to find her spirit again. Bukuminkum (translated ‘the forgotten face’) is an adaptation of Giselle’s second act into an Indigenous Australian context by NT Dance Company’s Artistic Director, Gary Lang, senior Larrakia choreographer.
Bukuminkum is an exceptional concept, born of a true story about the origins of the contemporary Indigenous aesthetic that we see today and how the owner of that ICIP is unrecognised. Having lost her mind and turned to self medication, she travels her homelands in a state of disconnect from her spirit and family, just like Giselle.
Bukuminkum Development 2024. Claire Voss and Alex Abbot. Image by Rick Knight
Gary Lang completed the first development of Bukuminkum (formerly Baya Rakarum) with a residency at The Australian Ballet in October 2023. A second residency was held at Darwin Entertainment Centre in 2024.
Bukuminkum is large-scale, full-length work that sees Lang's choreogaphy style 'Aboriginal Ballet' realised en pointe for the first time in his career as Artistic Director. Working closely with Rirratjingu loreman Banula Marika, Lang continues to explore Yolŋu manikay and buŋgul with the classical music and dance that inspires Lang.
The work is being developed over three years between Garramilla (Darwin), Yirrkala (East Arnhem Land) & Boorloo (Perth)
Mother and son: Gary Lang with Naminapu Maymuru-White in Yirrkala 2024. Image by Samuel James.