friends of the company

Friends of Gary Lang NT Dance Company are vital members of our community, contributing to a thriving dance ecology in the Northern Territory.

Your donation helps to realise the Company’s vision, moving the concept into reality to bring innovative First Nations story-telling directly to the audience.

Journey with Gary Lang NT Dance Company as you creatively connect with other like-minded Friends in our community.

Double Your Donation Till 30 may 2025

Avoid Us Paying Fees by Donating Via Our Preferred Method, Direct Deposit
Gary Lang NT Dance Company
BSB: 633 000 Account: 156658478

Follow the green button above to use your Credit Card (Fees Apply)

PLEASE NOTE: Your donation will be acknowledged in your tax receipt, on our website, and in printed material under the name provided below. If you'd like to be acknowledged under another name, or wish to donate anonymously, please email us at garylangntdance @

Gary Lang NT Dance Company (ABN 21 159 439 040) and the fund it operates are listed on the Register of Cultural Organisations under Subdivision 30-BA of the Income Tax Assessment Act 1997.


Arabella Ward

Camille Fong Lim

Katrina Fong Lim

Kate Stephens

Kate Fell

Mary Ann Wright

Jamelia & David Wallace

Marilyn Burton

Max and Eve Howell

Gerard Richardson

Jessica Machin

Tony Chong

Susy Bogle

Clair Medhurst & Paul Jones

Michael McCarthy

Leanne Scott-Toms

Sonya Shepherd

Marie-Louise Pearson

Catherine Henwood

With thanks to all our friends:

Access PR, Adam Worrall, AUM, Camille Fong Lim, Elizabeth Rogers, Eva Howell, Heather Brown & Peter McMillan, Jess Machin & Dewi Wiasa, Katrina Fong Lim, Living Right, Louise Partos, Marilyn Burton, Mary Ann Wright, The Pease Family, R C Stanley, Stacey Harris, Susan Bogle, Suzie Hesketh, Tony Chong, Victor Gubgub